Labradoodle Pups, 5DII & Family

Couldn’t have asked for a more perfect weekend.. A couple of prospective clients, a new camera, an unexpected catch up with family, and the most adorable Labradoodle puppies!
We decided to buy a new Canon 5D II to make perfect use of it’s best characteristics – in shooting weddings/portraits and landscapes. It’s also capable of shooting super high videos in 1080p format, as shown below.
Warren’s sister Tara popped across from Melbourne for a couple of nights – another perfect chance to test out the new camera on some fun family snaps. Late in the afternoon we visited some of Katrina’s best friends – Danielle and Juanita – whose family dog has just given birth to another beautiful litter of Labrodoodle puppies. To cap off a wonderful weekend, we visited the Muriwai gannet colony for sunset – although it was extremely cold and windy!

Cute Labradoodle Puppy
Cute 3 day old Labradoodle Puppy


Gannet Colony Sunset Auckland
Gannet Colony Sunset
Gannet at Muriwai - New Zealand
Beautiful Gannet soaring across Muriwai