Following our morning walk around the Zen Garden in Whitford, we continued towards Hamilton to meet a couple more clients and discuss wedding locations. First stop was the Camellia Tea Rooms – Gordonton, which is run by Zealong. Their tea plantation is aimed at the top end of the Chinese market, with some teas selling for $11,000 a kilo. Nearby to the Camellia Tea Rooms, is also the Woodlands Estate, which is another beautiful area which will be very suitable for wedding photos. We took a walk around both areas, looking for the perfect wedding photo opportunity.
Following the Camellia tea rooms, we ventured to the large Hamilton Gardens – where we will be shooting a wedding early autumn 2011. Anytime of the year, these gardens are truly remarkable, and many weddings are set amongst the themed gardens. We also met up with our friend Bryce McQuillan – also known online as “spidermanbryce” – The name gives it away, as he is a macro specialist photographer, featuring many spider photos. His work is regularly published.